Mark 3 – 10/1/2023

Call to Worship – ChoirPrayer: Let us pray togetherLiturgist: Holy One, full of compassion and love, you gather us in-Congregation: the lost and the lonely;L: you gather us in-C: the broken and exhausted.L: You gather us in-C: the wounded and hurting.L: You gather us in –C: the comfortable and the struggling.L: You gather us in-C: … [Read more…]

First John 4 – 9/24/2023

Call to Worship:L: The Lord waters the earth and greatly enriches it.All: The river of God is full of water.L: The Lord waters the furrows abundantly and softens its ridges.All: Blessing it with growth.L: The pastures of the wilderness overflow.All: And adorn themselves with bounty.L: God’s grace pours out.All: The people shout and sing together … [Read more…]

John 14 – 9/17/2023

Call to Worship:L: O, that my one voice could sound like a choir of thousands.All: Singing the praises of my great Redeemer, the glories of my God.L: Jesus set us free from prison.All: our sin is gone and has no power over us.L: When Jesus speaks, anyone who hears him receives a fresh start, a … [Read more…]