Welcome to Cokesbury UMC!

Sundays at 10:00am – Join us for worship!Location: 14806 Blackburn Road in Woodbridge, VAJoin us on Facebook for info and weekly live stream.Visit our YouTube channel for previous services.======================Coming Up: Welcome Table: Join us after worship on the 2nd Sunday of every month when we share a meal and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. This … [Read more…]

Weekly Bulletin

The weekly bulletin for the Sunday 10am worship service is posted here:Bulletin =================== Help support Cokesbury’s operations and ministries.You can contribute by clicking here or scanning the QR code:

Cokesbury Digest

Continuing prayers and concerns for: Amy, Dahveed, Zoe, Cleo, Jackie, Gabi, Gabriel, Clarice W., Nalo, Nema, Nick, Mike H, Emberlyn, Melanie, Shelby, James, Blair, Allen, Lydia, Eben, Leif, Tom F., Kyle, Yancy, Tyric, Linda and Sidney, Ann and Robert, Rose, Charline, Jerrine, Leo, Ed, Barbara, Mary, Millie, World Peace, people of Ukraine, Israel, Palestinians, Barbara H., … [Read more…]

Leadership Board – 8/20/2024

The Cokesbury UMC Leadership Board held its August meeting on Tuesday, Aug 20th, at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please see attached for the meeting notes.The purpose of the Leadership Board, as chartered and approved at Called Conferences on May 19th and June 23rd, became active on July 1st is to streamline decision making and … [Read more…]