Acts 9 – 1/30/2022

Greeting Each Other In the Name of the Lord.Good Morning. Buenes Dias. Welcome. Bienvenidos. Let us know of your presence if you are joining us on-line.Prayer requests may be emailed to Greeting the Lord Call to Worship:L: We come, so sure of the way of faith, and the ways of faith.All: So sure of … [Read more…]

Galatians 5 – 1/23/2022

Greeting Each Other In the Name of the Lord.Good Morning. Buenes Dias. Welcome. Bienvenidos. Let us know of your presence if you are joining us on-line.Prayer requests may be emailed to Greeting the Lord:L: Spirit of the Living God, we seek your guidance. We come in need of direction and encouragement, for the life … [Read more…]

Mark 1 – 1/16/2022

Greeting – Greet each other in the name of the Lord.Good Morning. Buenes Dias. Welcome. Bienvenido. Let us know of your presence if you are joining us on-line.Prayer requests may be emailed to Song – Standing on the Promises – UMH 374:Standing on the promises of Christ my King,through eternal ages let his praises … [Read more…]