Matthew 13 – 7/2/2023

Welcome Call to Worship:L: Hey, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; you who have no money, come and eat!All: Come buy without money and without price.L: Why spend your money for that which does not nurture you?All: Why labor for that which does not satisfy?L: Listen carefully and eat what is good, delight yourselves … [Read more…]

Everlasting Arms – 6/25/2023

Welcome Call to Worship:L: Hey, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; you who have no money, come and eat!All: Come buy without money and without price.L: Why spend your money for that which does not nurture you?All: Why labor for that which does not satisfy?L: Listen carefully and eat what is good, delight yourselves … [Read more…]

Matthew 5 – 6/18/2023

Link for song “Blest Are They” Welcome Call to Worship:P: Here in this place new light is streaming.All: Now is the darkness vanished away.P: See in this space our fears and our dreamings.All: Brought here to you in the light of this day.P: Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in the blind … [Read more…]