Cokesbury Digest

Pastor Gayle’s 2024 Reflections Dear Friends,As I reflect back over the year, both blessing and challenge come to mind. We transitioned to a simplified accountable structure for church leadership. Our signature ministries continue to change and adapt to be relevant and produce fruit in our community. We have said “hello” to new friends and “till … [Read more…]

Cokesbury Digest – 10/6/2021

Cokesbury Worship Update: The Cokesbury Healthy Church Team met Monday evening, 10/4, to review the current plans for upcoming church worship services. Due to the continued elevated risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic, and through lots of prayer, it was determined that we should continue with Outdoor Worship through October, and postpone returning to Sanctuary … [Read more…]

Cokesbury Digest – 8/18/2021

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, regular in-person worship remains canceled until further notice. Drive-in and Lawn services streamed via Facebook Live will continue. Plans regarding the safe return to in-person worship are currently on hold due to the covid-19 resurgence now taking place. ======================  A devotion for today It is Well with My Soul – Acoustic Hymn from … [Read more…]